Bird Control & Removal in Dallas, TX

Bird Control

Bird Control DFW


Birds in a building can quickly turn from a site to behold to a nuisance. Once in your premises, birds are a source of noise, dirt, other pests, and diseases, not to mention the occasional spook by flapping wings. Taking bird control measures ensures that you keep your facilities clean and safe.

What Is Bird Control?
Bird control is a collective name for techniques used to eliminate and deter birds from landing or nesting in a building.  

Why Should You Use Bird Control?
Bird control is essential for several reasons:

  • Health Concerns

Bird droppings and nesting materials are sources of diseases and pests. Dry bird droppings can easily be carried through a ventilation system and into human bodies after breathing.

  • Health Code Violations

If you run a facility that processes human food, bird droppings are a health code violation. Birds perch on steel frameworks above machines and can drop waste and other materials into machines, making your products unsuitable for consumption. Health codes consider birds as pests, and therefore, their presence inside your storage facilities, restaurant, processing plant or crops may lead to shutdowns and legal suits.

  • Damage to Buildings and Equipment

Bird droppings are highly acidic and corrode the exterior surfaces of buildings. The droppings also stain fabrics and can also damage equipment.

  • Unpleasant

Bird droppings are unpleasant to smell and also to look at. The presence of bird droppings at the entrance or building signs can send the wrong message to visitors.

  • Cost of Clean Up

It is costs money and time to clean bird droppings from building walls, roof frameworks and equipment. Bird control can help you save thousands of dollars directed towards bird droppings clean-up annually.

  • Slip and Fall Risks

When bird droppings are fresh, they can make walkways slippery, leading to fall accidents among workers and visitors. Eventually, employees may quit working in environments where they are exposed to hazards. Also, workers can sue you for not taking an initiative to protect them from fall hazards.

  • Clogged Pipes

Bird droppings can clog ventilation ducts, gutters, and drainage pipes. Clogged drainage pipes can lead to additional problems such as damp surfaces and flooding.

Methods of Bird Control

There are different bird deterrents to control birds, including physical deterrents, sonic devices, chemicals, contraceptives and trained birds of prey. While chemicals and traps were common in the past, bird control measures now take a more humane approach.


Birds are likely to gather in areas where they can find food, water, and roost. You should therefore, eliminate stagnant water puddles and food remnants that birds can feed on. Always cover the trash cans and clean your gutters to prevent stagnant water.

If you have trees near your building, trim them away from your structure and prune those that attract roosting birds. Also, use obstructions such as broken glass, spikes and sticky surfaces on ledges and walls where the birds roost.

If you keep bird feeders, try changing the food, or avoid feeding birds during warm weather. Lastly, avoid feeding pest birds because they will come back for more.


Seal all small openings where small birds can enter. Sparrows, for instance, can fit through spaces as small as ¾ inches. You can use plywood to block off large areas such as eaves and vents. If you’re blocking the space near a door, use door strips.

Bird Control Products

  1. Netting

Netting involves using a nylon or plastic net to close off the bottom of rafters, especially at the eves. Birds love to roost and nest in these spaces. Netting is also ideal for semi-open areas such as gardens and pools. The net keeps the birds out while allowing sunlight into the garden.

  1. Using Spikes

You can place spikes or porcupine wire along ledges where birds are likely to roost. You should ensure that debris does not accumulate between the spikes because they will lose their functionality. Once in a while, remove twigs and leaves that may encourage roosting.

  1. Repellents

Repellents are sticky non-toxic substances that you can apply to your ledges. However, over time, the repellant will gather dust and materials and will require replacing.

  1. Ultrasonic Devices

These bird control devices work by releasing irritating high and low pitch frequencies that are silent to humans but loud to birds. Eventually, the birds become irritated and move elsewhere.

  1. Sonic Devices

Sonic bird control devices broadcast predator calls and bird alarm calls, which indicate that an area is unsafe. The sounds are terrifying for birds and condition them to stay away.

  1. Laser Beams

Laser devices work by releasing laser beams in changing colors and patterns. The laser scares the birds from roosting in your building.

  1. Shock Track Systems

These are strips of nearly invisible tracks that shock birds when they land on window sills or ledges. The shock is humane but it scares off the birds.


Birds are pests that cause harm to people, buildings and equipment. Luckily, there are several humane options to control bird pests. You can opt for DIY bird control or contact SafeHaven Pest Control for your bird control services.