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Destructive Pests

Written by SafeHaven Pest Control LLC | Dec 9, 2019 11:22:00 AM

Destructive Pests

Every year, hundreds of thousands of homes and millions worth of crops are damaged by pests. From termites to ants, pests can wreak havoc in your property if allowed to breed.

In addition to the damage caused by pests, they also pose a significant health risk for your family. Some of the diseases that are transmitted by pests include malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, and sleeping sickness,

Read on to learn about some of the most destructive pests and the best pest control method.

  1. Termites

When it comes to destruction, termites top the list. The Formosan termite and eastern subterranean termite are arguably the most destructive termite species. The Formosan termite is very aggressive, can build huge colonies above ground, and often regarded as a 'super' termite species.

The eastern subterranean termite is highly prevalent in the US and, as a result, is responsible for most of the termite structural damage in America. Termites are small and may seem harmless but can cause significant losses.

Here are some figures about termite damage:

  • Termites destroy roughly 600,000 homes in the US annually
  • Approximately $5 billion is spent on termite damage repair and termite control every year
  • Including plant damage, termites cause losses of $30 billion

Termites invade properties through crevices in the walls and floors on the exterior of buildings. They thrive in warm regions and are mainly found in the Midwest and Pacific states as well as Gulf Coast and Southeast regions.

  1. Carpenter Ants

There are different species of carpenter ants, all of which love building their colonies in houses and other buildings. Unlike termites, they do not eat wood. They feed on insects and protein-rich organic materials as well as sugar.

However, they still cause damage to wooden properties. To build their nesting area, they dig tunnels in wood. As a result, you may notice sawdust under the wooden structures where carpenter ants are present. In comparison, carpenter ants are not as destructive as termites, but they can still cause considerable damage.

  1. Powder Post Beetle

If you’ve noticed some round holes or fine powdery dust under wooden structures, you may just be facing a powderpost beetle infestation. These pests inhabit, feed on, and breed in wood. 

Best Pest Control Method

Pest related damage can set you back a lot of cash if it’s not addressed well. To avoid such costs, it’s advisable to call pest control experts to ensure the pests are fully eradicated.

SafeHaven Pest Control offers reliable pest control services to safeguard your loved ones and property. Get in touch with us today to leave your pest worries behind you.

Other Common Pests Found In North Texas:

Termites     Sowbugs     Mosquitoes     Wasps     Bees     Centipedes