Blog | SafeHaven Pest Control

Ridding Your Home and Yard of Fleas

Written by SafeHaven Pest Control LLC | July 30, 2018

Summer is the peak season for fleas. Unbeknownst to you, your home and yard could be riddled with fleas – even if you don’t have any pets. Wild animals such as squirrels and birds can carry fleas and deposit them onto your property. If you’re feeling itchy, noticing red bumps on your skin, or your pets can’t stop scratching, you could have fleas. Follow these tips to get a flea-free home, fast!

Diagnose the Problem

When the weather is warm, our area is home to a multitude of insects that bite and sting including chiggers, mosquitos, no-see-ums, bed bugs, and many more.  Try to see the insects invading your home or yard.  Have you noticed any insects crawling on you or your pets?

Flea bodies are thin, flat, and dark brown. You can typically see them moving through pet’s fur. Their bite causes a tiny red spot. They can also leave behind “flea dirt,” or black specks of poop. If you find one, they can be difficult to nab because of their remarkable jumping ability.

Consider Your Options for Eradication

Googling your flea infestation is sure to come up with a variety of solutions for how to get them out of your home and yard…but how many are actually effective, and safe for you and your family? Home remedies such as spraying salt, baking soda, dish soap, lemon, or rosemary mixtures around your home can make you feel like you’re winning the war when in reality they aren’t even putting a dent in your flea infestation. If you really want to rid your property of fleas, go with professionals.

Hire a Trusted Pest Control Company

You don’t have to live with fleas taking up residence in your home, furniture, carpet, yard, or pets. Fast and effective flea eradication solutions do exist! Don’t waste time, effort, and money on home remedies or over-the-counter chemicals that don’t address your specific pest problem. Instead, go straight to the pros for flea control that works.

SafeHaven Pest Control can treat your home and yard for fleas, and other annoying pests of all types.  SafeHaven offers pest control packages that are economical and effective ways to keep your home and yard pest free year-round. We recommend the Sapphire Bundle to get rid of ticks and fleas (as well as dozens of other pests) inside your home and up to 5,000 square feet of your yard. Contact us to talk to a flea-control professional today!